Content Marketing: The Wow! Factor

Content Marketing: The Wow! Factor

Every year, companies spend millions of dollars on Superbowl commercials. Many of these commercials are so good that there are people who watch the game just for the ads.

Commercials like Apple’s “1984” that are still watched on YouTube today. What makes these marketing campaigns so effective? The Wow! factor.

The Wow! factor is more difficult to reproduce in written marketing than in visual, but not impossible.

You simply need to be writing for the right audience and need the right content marketing resources.


Part of why “1984” was so successful was that it was marketed to the computer generation. This was a younger generation that thought of computers as exciting devices that could play games, not as an upgraded typewriter.

A powerful, in your face, commercial played to that audience

Similarly, when adding the Wow! factor to written content marketing, you need to understand your audience. If you are marketing something like legal services, you probably have conservative clients who don’t want to see flashy marketing.

The audience for video game marketing, on the other hand, is ideal for using Wow! factor.

Adding the Wow! Factor

Adding the Wow! factor to your content marketing is easier if you keep a good list of appropriate content marketing resources. One very valuable resource is a set of links to famous witticisms. Insert these witticisms in your content to add a little humor to your pitches.

Visual resources are also valuable for adding the wow factor. Images in content marketing are known to be a valuable resource. But, they are especially effective when adding the Wow! factor.

Remembering your audience, images can be funny, dramatic, or even mildly shocking. Articles on Cracked, while inappropriate for content marketing standards, are a perfect example of how images can spice up any prose. For content marketing, use a free resource like Wikimedia Commons for images.

The Wow! factor is about exaggeration, excitement, and shock. You want potential clients or customers to get the same thrill they get when watching a movie.

Tell a captivating story or make your audience laugh and half the work for your content marketing is already done.

If you’d like some help creating content with the wow factor, be sure to check out our range of content writing services.


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Mickey has degrees in linguistics and logic from a top 25 university. He has been writing online for the approximately five years, specializing in gaming, hobbies, and media. He has never missed a deadline. Quality and speed are equally important to Mickey and he'll never sacrifice one for the other.

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